
Showing posts from August, 2022

Birds Around Me 0118 - Mute Swan हंस (Cygnus olor)

Mute Swan  हंस  (Cygnus olor)  is one of the Britains's largest birds and the most commonly encountered swan. Although the least vocal of swans, it is far from mute.  Mute Swan  हंस  (Cygnus olor) is the classic swan, neck held straight or in graceful S-curve, often carries wings raised up over back. Bill orange-red with black base and prominent black knob on forehead. Sexes similar, although male (cob) has a larger knob and more richly coloured bill than female (pen). Juveniles grey-brown with flesh-grey bill lacking knob, becoming white over 1-2 years. Can be aggressive and capable of inflicting injury; angry swans should be give a wide berth.  Mute Swan  हंस  (Cygnus olor)  is fairly common resident in the U.K.; numbers increased in the recent years. Seen around well-vegetated lakes, reervoirs, gravel pits, larger pnds and slow-flowing rivers, also sheltered coastal waters. Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) Stocker's Lake, Rickmansworth, U.K. H...

Birds Around Me 0055 - Pied avocet कुस्या चाहा, काशिका, उल्टी चोँच, उचत्या (Recurvirostra avosetta)

The elegant Pied avocet कुस्या चाहा, काशिका, उल्टी चोँच, उचत्या (Recurvirostra avosetta) is the emblem of the RSPB and is now common at many sites on East & South coasts of the U.K. It is a distinctively-patterned black and white wader with a long black  up-curved beak. This Schedule 1 species is the RSPB emblem and symbolizes the UK's bird protection movement more than any other species. Its return in the 1940s and subsequent increase in numbers represents one of the most successful conservation and protection projects. (source: RSPB) A social species usually breeds in loose colonies and forms flocks outside the breeding season. On land walks briskly, but also swims and up-ends like a duck.  Hindi Name of Pied avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta): कुस्या चाहा, काशिका, उल्टी चोँच, उचत्या Birds Around Me - Unfinished List (अपूर्ण  सूची)  Ashutosh Jhureley  @BirdsAroundMe   Pied ...

Birds Around Me 0141 - Cetti's warbler (Cettia cetti)

Cetti's warbler (Cettia cetti) are another nondescript warbler, has chestnut-brown upperparts, with paler throat and darker, browner rear flanks and belly. Often skulk low down inside bushes and can prove difficult to see. It usually makes its presence known with loud bursts of song and the first glimpse will probably be of a dark, rather stocky warbler with short wings and a full, rounded tail, diving for cover. (source: RSPB) Cetti's warbler (Cettia cetti) is similar to Reed Warbler ( Acrocephalus scirpaceus ) but fatter, darker and has grey 'face' and underparts.  Cetti's warbler (Cettia cetti) Stockers Lake, Rickmansworth, U.K. Why Cetti's? The genus Cettia was erected in 1834 by the French ornithologist Charles Lucien Bonaparte to accommodate Cetti's warbler (Cettia cetti). The specific epithet cetti had been chosen in 1820 by Coenraad Jacob Temminck to commemorate the Italian zoologist Francesco Cetti. (source: Wikipedia) -- Ashutosh Jhureley  @BirdsA...

Birds Around Me 0198 - Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया (Aythya ferina)

Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया, (Aythya ferina) is a diving duck slightly larger than the  Tufted duck (Aythya fuligula) , head shape distinctive, with high, peaked crown and sloping forehead that grades into the long, concave, deep-based bill. The male is rufuos-headed but the female is rather drab. Head shape and dull grey wing-bars are good pointers in all plumages. Head od male is completely reddish. In the U.K. much common in winters when they arrive in large flocks from central Europe and Russia. Breeds around well-vegetated freshwaters, winters on lakes, reservoirs and gravel pits. (source: RSPB) Hindi name of  Common Pochard  (Aythya ferina):  लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया -- Ashutosh Jhureley  @BirdsAroundMe Also see Birds Around Me 0017 - Red-crested Pochard (Netta rufina /लाल चोँच): Unfinished List of Birds (पक्षियों की अपूर्ण सूची):

Birds Around Me 0197 - Woodpigeon जंगली क़बूतर (Columba palumbus)

Woodpigeon जंगली क़बूतर (Columba palumbus) is the UK's largest and commonest pigeon, the woodpigeon is largely grey with a white neck patch and white wing patches, clearly visible in flight. Although shy in the countryside it can be tame and approachable in towns and cities. Its cooing call is a familiar sound in woodlands as is the loud clatter of its wings when it flies away. (source: RSPB) Pigeons have different colors due to breeding by humans. They are the descendants of the wild Rock Dove of Europe. Name of  Woodpigeon (Columba palumbus) in Hindi:  जंगली क़बूतर  -- Ashutosh Jhureley @BirdsAroundMe Unfinished List of Birds (पक्षियों की अपूर्ण सूची): Woodpigeon (Columba palumbus) Woodpigeon (Columba palumbus)

Birds Around Me 0098 - Garden Warbler (Sylvia borin)

Garden Warbler (Sylvia borin) is a overall a plain nondescript warbler, and often very sulking but an excellent songster. It has dark beady eyes, stubby blue-grey bill and grey sides of neck. Often seen in dense shrubs, trees or large bushes. A common summer visitor, it winters in tropical Africa. Separated from Reed Warbler , whic is also rather plain and brown, by shor, stubby bill. Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff are smaller and usually more olive-green, show yellow in plumage and have rather more slender bill. Where: dense scrubs, large bushes, small copses, howthorn and blackthorn thickets -- Ashutosh Jhureley @BirdsAroundMe Birds Around Me - Unfinished List (अपूर्ण  सूची)     Garden Warbler (Sylvia borin) RSPB Rye Meads August 2022  Garden Warbler (Sylvia borin) RSPB Rye Meads August 2022  Garden Warbler (Sylvia borin) RSPB Rye Meads August 2022  Garden Warbler (Sylvia borin) RSPB Rye Meads August 2022  Garden Warbler (Sylvia borin) RSP...