Birds Around Me 0198 - Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया (Aythya ferina)

Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया, (Aythya ferina) is a diving duck slightly larger than the Tufted duck (Aythya fuligula), head shape distinctive, with high, peaked crown and sloping forehead that grades into the long, concave, deep-based bill. The male is rufuos-headed but the female is rather drab. Head shape and dull grey wing-bars are good pointers in all plumages. Head od male is completely reddish.

In the U.K. much common in winters when they arrive in large flocks from central Europe and Russia. Breeds around well-vegetated freshwaters, winters on lakes, reservoirs and gravel pits. (source: RSPB)

Hindi name of Common Pochard (Aythya ferina): लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया

-- Ashutosh Jhureley @BirdsAroundMe

Also see Birds Around Me 0017 - Red-crested Pochard (Netta rufina /लाल चोँच):

Unfinished List of Birds (पक्षियों की अपूर्ण सूची):

Male Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया, (Aythya ferina) Stockers Lake, Rickmansworth, U.K.
Male Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया, (Aythya ferina)
Stockers Lake, Rickmansworth, U.K.

Male Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया, (Aythya ferina) Stockers Lake, Rickmansworth, U.K.
Male Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया, (Aythya ferina)
Stockers Lake, Rickmansworth, U.K.

Male Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया, (Aythya ferina) Stockers Lake, Rickmansworth, U.K.
Female & Male Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया, (Aythya ferina)
Stockers Lake, Rickmansworth, U.K.

Male Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया, (Aythya ferina) Stockers Lake, Rickmansworth, U.K.
Male Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया, (Aythya ferina)
Stockers Lake, Rickmansworth, U.K.

Flock of Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया, (Aythya ferina) Stockers Lake, Rickmansworth, U.K.
Flock of Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया, (Aythya ferina)
Stockers Lake, Rickmansworth, U.K.

Flock of Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया, (Aythya ferina) Stockers Lake, Rickmansworth, U.K.
Male Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया, (Aythya ferina)
Stockers Lake, Rickmansworth, U.K.

Flock of Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया, (Aythya ferina) Stockers Lake, Rickmansworth, U.K.
Female Common Pochard लाल सिर, पोछड, रंगा मुरिया, (Aythya ferina)
Stockers Lake, Rickmansworth, U.K.


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