Birds Around Me 0110 - Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos)
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) is one of the large group of bare-legged, slender-billed marsh and waterside birds collectively known as 'snippets' in popular language. It is about the size of a quail, greyish olive-brown above, white below, with the sides of the breast pale dusky and a few dark streaks on the foreneck. In flight brown rump and brown tail (except the white outer feathers), and a white wing-bar distinguish it from the equally common Wood or Spotted Sandpiper.
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur |
In India, the Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) is one of earliest migrants and among the last to leave for its northern breeding grounds. Some non-breeding individuals stay behind n the plains all the year. Unlike the Wood Sandpiper this species seldom collects in flocks. Single birds are usually seen running about tirelessly at the water's edge, wagging the tail end of the body violently and 'pumping' its head and neck from time to time. When disturbed it flies off with characteristic stiff rapidly vibrating wind strokes close over the water uttering a shrill piping tee-tee-tee. Individuals are very parochial, keeping to the same feeding territory day after day.
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) RSPB Rye Meads August 2022 |
The diet, like that of other sandpipers, consists of insects, worms, tin molluscs, tc. picked up at the water's edge. (source: Common Birds - Salim Ali and Laeeq Futehally)
Identification: Sandpipers can be a difficult to identify. Green, Wood and Common sandpipers can all be seen at the same location. Green Sandpipers are blackish-green above, with a bright white belly and a white rump. Green Sandpipers are most similar but much darker than Wood Sandpipers and Common Sandpipers.
Hindi name of Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos): सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन
-- Ashutosh Jhureley @BirdsAroundMe
Birds Around Me 0077 - Green sandpiper (तुतारी) - Tringa ochropus:
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur |
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) RSPB Rye Meads August 2022 |
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) RSPB Rye Meads August 2022 |
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) RSPB Rye Meads August 2022 |
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) RSPB Rye Meads August 2022 |
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) RSPB Rye Meads August 2022 |
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) RSPB Rye Meads August 2022 |
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) RSPB Rye Meads August 2022 |
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) Rickmansworth, U.K. August 2020 |
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) Rickmansworth, U.K. August 2020 |
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) Rickmansworth, U.K. August 2020 |
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) Rickmansworth, U.K. August 2020 |
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) Rickmansworth, U.K. August 2020 |
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) Rickmansworth, U.K. August 2020 |
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) Rickmansworth, U.K. August 2020 |
Common Sandpiper सामान्य तुतारी, टुटवार, जलरंक, सामान्य बटन (Actitis hypoleucos) Rickmansworth, U.K. August 2020 |
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