
Showing posts from January, 2018

Birds Around Me 0082 - Little Egret करछिया बगुला (Egretta garzetta)

Little Egret (करछिया बगुला) - Egretta garzetta Taken on January 15, 2018 Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India (Latitude: 23.172826, Longitude: 79.881881)    Little Egret (करछिया बगुला) is a species of small heron. These birds are a very common sight in India near water - stream, lakes, drains etc. Little Egrets are mostly silent but make various croaking and bubbling calls at their breeding colonies and produce a harsh alarm call when disturbed. The picture in this post was taken in Jabalpur, there were 100s of Cattle Egrets were on the paddy field and 10s of Little Egrets along the canal. Interesting Facts: In Japanese culture, the little egret is a symbol of purity, elegance, and transformation. It is often associated with the goddess Benzaiten, who is the goddess of beauty, music, and knowledge. Hindi Name of Little Egret  (Egretta garzetta): करछिया बगुला Birds Around Me - Unfinished List (अपूर्ण  सूची)  https://birds.rekab...

Birds Around Me 0161 - Shikra (शिकारा) - Accipiter badius

Shikra (शिकारा) - Accipiter badius Taken on January 15, 2018 Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India (Latitude: 23.172826, Longitude: 79.881881)  Shikra (शिकारा) is a small bird of prey found across Asia & Africa. The shikra is very similar in appearance to other sparrowhawk. hey have a sharp two note call and have the typical flap and glide flight. Their calls are imitated by Black Drongo (कोतवाल, भुजंग). The shikra was a favourite among falconers in India and Pakistan due to the ease with it could be trained. They were noted for their pluck and ability to take much larger birds including partridges, crows and even young peafowl. The word shikra or shikara means hunter in the Hindi & Urdu language My Shikara photos on Flickr  Birds Around Me - Unfinished List ( अपूर्ण    सूची )  -- Ashutosh Jhureley

Birds Around Me 0123 - Black Drongo (कोतवाल, भुजंग) - Dicrurus macrocercus

Taken on January 15, 2018 Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India (Latitude: 23.172826, Longitude: 79.881881) Black Drongo (कोतवाल, भुजंग), 31cm, is a wholly black bird with a distinctive forked tail. The only drongo commonly found in open country. It feeds on insects, and is common in open agricultural areas and light forests throughout its range, perching conspicuously on a bare perch or along power or telephone lines.  Black Drongo is known for its aggressive behavior towards much larger birds, such as crows, never hesitating to chase birds of prey away from their territory.  Identification: white rictal spot; dark red iris of adult    Bird Facts: Due to this behavior of guarding its territory aggressively, smaller birds often nest near the nesting  Black Drongo and earned this bird name - कोतवाल or Security Guard .  Where: open country, open woodlands, cultivation, marshes. Hindi name of bird  Black Drongo (Dicruru...

Birds Around Me 0029 - Cattle Egret गाय बगुला, सुर्खिया बगुला (Bubulcus ibis)

Cattle Egret (गाय बगुला, सुर्खिया बगुला) is slightly smaller than the little egret. They often spend time close to livestock and grab insects and worms which their hooves disturb. Cattle egrets have yellow or greyish legs and a yellow beak, compared to the black legs (with yellow feet) and black beak of the Little Egret करछिया बगुला (Egretta garzetta) . In the breeding plumage the orange or golden head, neck and back makes it identity unmistakable. Unlike other Egrets & Herons it is less dependent on water bodies or marshes. Thye are often seen in fields and grazing grounds around cattles. Apart from insects, grasshoppers and frogs, they also pick off blood-sucking flies and other parasites from the backs, bellies and ears of the cattle.   Cattle Egret mostly relate to its habit of following cattle and other large animals, and it is known variously as cow crane, cow bird or cow heron, or even elephant bird. The tribals in Asia & Africa consider the presence of lar...