
Showing posts from July, 2022

Birds And More 008 - Plain Tiger Butterfly बाघ तितली, तमतो (Danaus chrysippus)

Plain Tiger Butterfly बाघ तितली, तमतो (Danaus chrysippus) is butterfly next door throughout India. It is one of the most recognised butterflies in the gardens, parks and bushes all over.  Bright orange colours with black and white spots mainly on the wings edges make is easily recognisable. It is also called Milkweed Butterfly beacuse of choice of food for it's lavae - Millkweed (आक , दूध-वाला पौधा, दूधिया खरपतवार). The choice of their diet, primarily Milkweed ( cardenolides) , they store and develop toxins. Making both larvae and butterfly undesirable prey. Hence it makes them one of the commonest butterflies in India. Hindi names of Plain Tiger Butterfly (Danaus chrysippus) बाघ तितली, तमतो  -- Ashutosh Jhureley @BirdsAroundMe  Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus) Jabalpur, India July 2022  Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus) Jabalpur, India July 2022  Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus) Jabalpur, India July 2022 Tags: Plain Tiger Butterfly, बा...

Birds And More 007 - Comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album)

The Comma Butterfly (Polygonia c-album) have the angular notches on the edges of the forewings, indeed these are characteristic of the genus Polygonia (anglewing butterflies). Comma butterflies can be identified by their prominent orange and dark brownish/blackish wings.  The  camaouflage is extraordiry, patterns on the wings mimick fallen leaves and larvae looks like bird dropping.  Comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album) RSPB Rye Meads Comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album) RSPB Rye Meads

Birds Around Me 0129 - Common Coot दसरी, आरि, ठेकरी, मरुल (Fulica atra)

The saying 'bald as a Coot' comes from the white patch  Common Coot दसरी, आरि, ठेकरी, मरुल (Fulica atra), has  just above the bill.  Common Coot दसरी, आरि, ठेकरी, मरुल(Fulica atra),  are  seen across Asia, Australia, Europe, and North Africa.  Belongs to the shy and elusive family of birds - rail & crake but isn't shy or elusive. They are very aggressive and territorial, especially during the breeding season. Although white hear-gear appears to be the weapon, it's their long legs and claws that charge their opponents either coots or other water birds. They form large flocks to avoid predators during the breeding season. The coots are omnivores and are very opportunists with the diet. Thye will take a variety of small live prey, eggs of other water birds, algae, grass, vegetation, seeds, and even fruits. Every time I go on birding, it's a different experience, and always learn or find something new. Yesterday, a fellow birder explained the concept o...

Birds Around Me 0196 - Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula)

Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula) is a small wader with round head, short dark bill an rather sort slender bright orange legs. Adults in summer have white foreheads with black band above, black mask through the eyes, white collar and complete black breast band. Upper parts are brown and lower parts are white. They can also appear slender when alert,  they have conspicuous two-tone bill, bright orange legs and lack of white above the black forehead.  Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula) traditional habitat is sandy or shingle beaches, hence makes their nest sites vulnerable to beach goers, dog walkers and holiday makers. Birds Around Me - Unfinished List (अपूर्ण  सूची)  Ashutosh Jhureley  @BirdsAroundMe   Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula) Norfolk Coast, U.K. Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula) Norfolk Coast, U.K. Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula) Norfolk Coast, U.K. Ri...

Birds Around Me 0156 - Common babbler छोटा सातभाई, चिलचिल, डुमरी, सोर, गेंगा, छोटा गेंगा, ग्राम-हहोलिका (Turdoides caudata)

Common babbler छोटा सातभाई, चिलचिल, डुमरी, सोर, गेंगा, छोटा गेंगा, ग्राम-हहोलिका  (Turdoides caudata) about as big as bulbul with a relative longer tail. It is slimmer than Jungle Babbler , but like it invariable seen in flocks or "sisterhoods" of half a dozen or son on the ground and among the bushes. Its earth brown up;per plumage is streaked darker, and the long graduated loosely attached tail is finely cross-rayed. The sisterhoods spend their time scuttling along the ground like rats, running fast with short mincing steps under hedges and through thorny scrub and thickets, rummaging for insects and caterpillars.  Common babbler छोटा सातभाई, चिलचिल, डुमरी, सोर, गेंगा, छोटा गेंगा, ग्राम-हहोलिका  (Turdoides caudata) Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur When agitated, as on sighting a snake or cat, the birds utter a musical whistling which-which-which-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri as they nervously twitch their wings and tail and hop from bush to bush peering down at the intruder, the entire si...

Birds Around Me 0034 - Jungle Babbler गयंगा, पेंगिया मैना, सातभाई, जंगली-खैर, घोंगढी, अर्याण्या हहोलिका (Turdoides striata)

Jungle Babbler (गयंगा, पेंगिया मैना, सातभाई, जंगली-खैर, घोंगढी, अर्याण्या हहोलिका ) / Turdoides striata are not so angry bird as it is being portrayed. They are very sociable birds. Earthy brown, frowzled, and untidy-looking bird with a longish tail. It is very similar to  Large Grey Babbler (गैगई, घुघोई) - Argya malcolmi  but has pale lores, a yellow bill, and a shorter tail without pale outer feathers. They are always seen in flocks of 5-10 birds,  as Mark Thornbill noted, "they have also a singular habit of always associating in groups of an uneven number, either five or seven. The native has pretty legend accounting for this habit.". Hence they got the name सातभाई (Seven Sisters) in Hindi.  Jungle Babbler (गयंगा, पेंगिया मैना, सातभाई, जंगली-खैर, घोंगढी, अर्याण्या हहोलिका ) / Turdoides striata inhabit outlying jungle as well-wooded gardens, compounds, and groves of trees in and around the town and villages. The flocks "sisterhoods" spend their time hopping on the...

Birds Around Me 0193 - Orange-headed Thrush मालागिर,श्वेत कंठ भू-कस्तूरी, संतरी कस्तूरी (Geokichla citrina)

Orange-headed Thrush मालागिर,श्वेत कंठ भू-कस्तूरी, संतरी कस्तूरी (Geokichla citrina  cyanotus )  is a common bird in wooded areas of India.  The adult male has an entirely orange head and underparts, uniformly grey upperparts and wings, and white median and undertail coverts. It has a slaty-colored bill, and the legs and feet are pinkish tones. The female is similar but has browner upperparts and warm brown wings. The Orange-headed Thrush is omnivorous, eating a wide range of insects, earthworms, and fruits. They love berries and play an important role in spreading the seeds. Their population is in the decline but because of the huge range, they are categorized as least concerned. The Orange-headed Thrush in this blog is a sub-species G. c. cyanota (Orange-headed thrush ssp. cyanotus) is mainly resident in Peninsular India  It has a white throat and side of the face, with two black stripes running downwards from below the eyes. Birds Around Me - Unfinished List (अपूर...