Birds Around Me 0129 - Common Coot दसरी, आरि, ठेकरी, मरुल (Fulica atra)
The saying 'bald as a Coot' comes from the white patch Common Coot दसरी, आरि, ठेकरी, मरुल (Fulica atra), has just above the bill.
Common Coot दसरी, आरि, ठेकरी, मरुल(Fulica atra), are seen across Asia, Australia, Europe, and North Africa. Belongs to the shy and elusive family of birds - rail & crake but isn't shy or elusive. They are very aggressive and territorial, especially during the breeding season. Although white hear-gear appears to be the weapon, it's their long legs and claws that charge their opponents either coots or other water birds. They form large flocks to avoid predators during the breeding season.
The coots are omnivores and are very opportunists with the diet. Thye will take a variety of small live prey, eggs of other water birds, algae, grass, vegetation, seeds, and even fruits.
Every time I go on birding, it's a different experience, and always learn or find something new. Yesterday, a fellow birder explained the concept of the conspecific parasital brooding, Common Coot दसरी, आरि, ठेकरी, मरुल (Fulica atra) like others in the rail & crake family are conspecific brood parasites - they lay eggs in another Coot's nest. Coot hen lays 6-10 eggs but the nest may have up to 2-3 dozen eggs. So hen depends on other females to raise her children so she can party more - reproduce more. It is also a strategy against external factors like nest destruction.
Common Coots are also known to prey on their own brood or nestlings if there is a dire need or shortage of food.
Hindi name of the bird: Common Coot (Fulica atra) दसरी, आरि, ठेकरी, मरुल
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