Birds Around Me 0192 - Common Iora सौबिगा, शाऊबीगी, शुभग , मधुक श्रीवद (Aegithina tiphia)
Common Iora सौबिगा, शाऊबीगी, शुभग , मधुक श्रीवद (Aegithina tiphia) is a small passerine bird, about the size of a sparrow. The male is glossy jet black and yellow bird with two white wing bars. Female usually accompanied by a male, is largely greenish-yellow with similar whitish wing bars. In the non-breeding plumage, the male resembles the female but retains his black ail.
Common Iora सौबिगा, शाऊबीगी, शुभग, मधुक श्रीवद (Aegithina tiphia) is an arboreal insectivorous bird of gardens, groves of trees on the outskirts of villages and light secondary jungle. Pairs go about together, hunting for caterpillars and insects among the foliage, hoping g from twig to twig and clinging sideways and upside down to search under the leaves. The birds keep in touch with each other through mellow whistles and short musical chirrups. Its Hindi name शाऊबीगी is because of one of its sweet long-drawn whistles.
The cock has a charming and spectacular nuptial display. He chases the hen about, posturing before her with drooping wings, white rump-feathers fluffed out and tail slightly cocked, to the accompaniment of chirruping notes, musical whistles, and a long-drawn sibilant chee-ee. He springs up a meter or two in the air puffing out and flaunting his glistering white rump and parachuting back to his perch in spirals, looking like a ball of fluff.
-- Ashutosh Jhureley @BirdsAroundMe
Unfinished List (अपूर्ण सूची) -
Reference: Common Birds of India - Salim Ali & Laeeq Futehally
Common Iora सौबिगा, शाऊबीगी, शुभग , मधुक श्रीवद (Aegithina tiphia) - Male Jabalpur, India April 2022 |
Common Iora सौबिगा, शाऊबीगी, शुभग , मधुक श्रीवद (Aegithina tiphia) - Male Jabalpur, India April 2022 |
Common Iora सौबिगा, शाऊबीगी, शुभग , मधुक श्रीवद (Aegithina tiphia) - Male Jabalpur, India April 2022 |
Common Iora सौबिगा, शाऊबीगी, शुभग , मधुक श्रीवद (Aegithina tiphia) - Male Jabalpur, India April 2022 |
Common Iora सौबिगा, शाऊबीगी, शुभग , मधुक श्रीवद (Aegithina tiphia) - Male Jabalpur, India April 2022 |
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