Birds Around Me 0167 - Black-headed Ibis (कचाटोर, मुंडा) - Threskiornis melanocephalus

Black-headed Ibis (कचाटोर, मुंडा) - Threskiornis melanocephalus is the only native ibis species in its range that has an overall white plumage with a black neck and head. The down-curved beak and legs are also black. Though often referred to as a wetland species, the black-headed ibis forages in a range of natural and man-made habitats. This species of ibis nests only during the rainy season (or monsoon)(src: wikipedia). I saw them in the fields behind my home in Sanjeevini Nagar, Jabalpur with other wading birds. 

Black-headed Ibis (कचाटोर, मुंडा) - Threskiornis melanocephalus
Taken on June 26, 2018
Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India (Latitude: 23.172826, Longitude: 79.881881)

Black-headed Ibis (कचाटोर, मुंडा) - Threskiornis melanocephalus
The Black-headed Ibis (कचाटोर, मुंडा) - Threskiornis melanocephalus is one of large waterbird species in south and south-east Asia, with adults measuring 65-76 cm in length. The white plumage is starkly contrasted against a conspicuous naked black neck and head, and black down-curved beak. Tails of adults bear light grey ornamental feathers that turn jet black during the breeding season.

Identification: Black neck and head contrasting against white underparts; also red or pink streak along the under-wing coverts
Where: Marshes, jheels, rivers, wet / flooded fields, mud flats.

Black-headed Ibis (कचाटोर, मुंडा) - Threskiornis melanocephalus
Taken on June 26, 2018
Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India (Latitude: 23.172826, Longitude: 79.881881)

Black-headed Ibis (कचाटोर, मुंडा) - Threskiornis melanocephalus
Taken on June 26, 2018
Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India (Latitude: 23.172826, Longitude: 79.881881)

Black-headed Ibis (कचाटोर, मुंडा) - Threskiornis melanocephalus
Taken on June 26, 2018
Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India (Latitude: 23.172826, Longitude: 79.881881)
Black-headed Ibis (कचाटोर, मुंडा) - Threskiornis melanocephalus
Taken on June 26, 2018
Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India (Latitude: 23.172826, Longitude: 79.881881)

Black-headed Ibis (कचाटोर, मुंडा) - Threskiornis melanocephalus
Taken on June 26, 2018
Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India (Latitude: 23.172826, Longitude: 79.881881)

Black-headed Ibis (कचाटोर, मुंडा) - Threskiornis melanocephalus
Taken on June 26, 2018
Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India (Latitude: 23.172826, Longitude: 79.881881)

Black-headed Ibis (कचाटोर, मुंडा) - Threskiornis melanocephalus
Taken on June 26, 2018
Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India (Latitude: 23.172826, Longitude: 79.881881)


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