Birds Around Me 0079 - Plain Prinia (फुत्की) - Prinia inornata

Plain Prinia (फुत्की) - Prinia inornata
Plain Prinia (फुत्की) - Prinia inornata 

Plain Prinia (फुत्की) - Prinia inornata  (13-14 cm), have short rounded wings, a longish tail, strong legs, and a short black bill. Underparts are whitish-buff, upper tail brown concurs with the underparts. 

In winter, the upper parts are a bit warmer brown, and the underparts are more buff. The tail is also longer than in summer. The sexes are very identical.

As the name in Hindi फुत्की suggests, keep on hopping from one twig to another, constantly waves tail around. 

Identification: in addition to the description, the waving of the tail and wing snapping
Where: scrubs, long grass, crops, mangroves.

Hindi Name of Plain Prinia (Prinia inornata): फुत्की 

Birds Around Me - Unfinished List (अपूर्ण  सूची) 

Plain Prinia (फुत्की) - Prinia inornata
Plain Prinia (फुत्की) - Prinia inornata 

Plain Prinia (फुत्की) - Prinia inornata
Plain Prinia (फुत्की) - Prinia inornata 

Plain Prinia (फुत्की) - Prinia inornata
Plain Prinia (फुत्की) - Prinia inornata 

Tags: #IndiAves #BirdsOfIndia #BirdsAroundMe #Birds #JabalpurBirding #RSPB #HindiNamesOfBirds


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