Birds Around Me 0024 - Long-tailed Tit (Aegithalos caudatus)
The Long-tailed Tit (Aegithalos caudatus) is one of Britain's smallest birds, as the name suggest has longer tail than it's body, weighing 7-9 gms. Long-tailed Tits are one of the most beautiful birds around and are fun to watch specially when other birds are around. They take over the entire show - continously on the move, following their leader. Small size, long tail, and black, white and pinkish colour make them easy to identify amongs other tits. Appears like a tiny ball of fluff with very long, narrow tail. Common resident of the U.K., these are gregarious and very noisy, move around in flocks of 15-20 through the vegetation. Its small size makes it vulnerable to cold winters and members of a flock roost huddled together to conserve heat. Long-tailed Tit (Aegithalos caudatus) builds a beautiful ball-shaped nest, camouflaged with 2-3 thousand lichen and lined with over a thousand feathers. Birds Around Me - Unfinished List ( अपूर्ण सूच...