Birds Around Me 0213 - Dunlin (Ereunetes alpina) कालापेट पनलौवा, कालापेट बटन

The Hindi name of the bird confused me for a very long time until I saw them in summer plumage when it develops a black patch on the belly which literally translates to the Hindi name of Dunlin (Ereunetes alpina) कालापेट पनलौवा, कालापेट बटन. Small common wader with medium-length black legs and gently downcurved black bill. 
Seen in flocks that at times number thousands of birds at the breeding sites. Feeds on food taken from the surface by probing mud or wading in water.

Hindi Name of Dunlin (Ereunetes alpina) कालापेट पनलौवा, कालापेट बटन 

Ashutosh Jhureley @BirdsAroundMe

Dunlin (Ereunetes alpina) कालापेट पनलौवा, कालापेट बटन RSPB Snettisham
Dunlin (Ereunetes alpina) कालापेट पनलौवा, कालापेट बटन
RSPB Snettisham

Dunlin (Ereunetes alpina) कालापेट पनलौवा, कालापेट बटन RSPB Snettisham
Dunlin (Ereunetes alpina) कालापेट पनलौवा, कालापेट बटन
RSPB Snettisham


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