Birds Around Me 0175 - Willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)
Common Chiffchaff or Willow Warbler
Both Common Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler belong to the same family - Phylloscopus. They arrive in the UK at the same time of the year and look extremely similar.
I spotted a bird pictured in the blog yesterday (26-June-2020) around Stocker's Lake, Rickmansworth. Not able to exactly ID this one so seeking help from fellow birders and experts on Twitter and Flickr. I am adding more pictures in the blog to help identify and posting the comments from twitter (@BirdsAroundMe) as a reference and as a log.
Avaneesh Shukla @avienvironment This is common chiffchaff or simply the chiffchaff,is a common&widespread leaf warbler which breeds in open woodlands throughout northern and temperate Europe and the Palearctic. Birds Around Me @birdsaroundme Replying to @avienvironment Thanks a lot. For my future reference why not Willow Warbler? I was confused because of colour of legs. Avaneesh Shukla @avienvironment The easiest way to tell these two birds apart is by leg colour. Chiffchaffs have black legs and willow warblers have light brown legs. This isn’t a foolproof method though, so there are a few other distinctions, if they’ll sit still long enough! (Continued-) Chiffchaffs constantly flick their tails whereas willow warblers only do it occasionally. Willow warblers have a whiter belly. You can tell us better about this because you were there during sighting. highroller @andymould10 Juv Willow. The primary projection looks longish, the facial pattern better suits Willow (apart from the bold eyering!), but the clincher is the increased spacing between the primary tips (should be diagnostic of Willow). The Urban Birder @urbanbirder I think it’s a juvenile Willow Warbler. Not as dark legged as a Chiffchaff with a stronger supercillium. Greenish tinge to the wings and cleaner look all point to Willow. Throat & chest not bright yellow enough to be a Wood Warbler - a species that doesn’t breed in the area. Birds Around Me @birdsaroundme oh dear confused again now.. It was flicking tail a lot @urbanbirder. KELVIN NODEN @KELVINNODEN Chiffys have a brighter supercilium and garden warblers a bit greener overall so I'd have a punt at willow. Dr Gerard Hobley #DIY @Dr_G_Hobley Chiff Chaff
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