Birds Around Me 0025 - Common Myna (देसी मैना, गुलगुल) - Acridotheres tristis
The Common Myna (देसी मैना, गुलगुल) - Acridotheres tristis is readily identified by the brown body, black hooded head, and the bare yellow patch behind the eye. The bill and legs are bright yellow. There is a white patch on the outer primaries and the wing lining on the underside is white. The sexes are similar and birds are usually seen in pairs.
Along with the sparrow, crow, and pigeon, Myna is comfortable around humans. A pair or two will usually adopt a house as their own and defend it vigorously against intrusion from others of their kind. But large numbers will collect to feed in harmony whether on earthworms on a freshly watered lawn, winged termites emerging from the rain-sodden ground, or on a fig-laden banyan or peepal tree. The birds commonly attend on grazing cattle for crickets and grasshoppers disturbed by animals' feet or follow the plow for the worms and grubs turned up with the soil, stalking jauntily alongside the bullocks, now side-hopping, now springing up in the air to seize the fleeing quarry. They share a large communal roost within trees with parakeets and crows. (Ref: Common Birds of India - Salim Ali and Laeeq Futehally)
In Sanskrit literature, the common myna has a number of names, most are descriptive of the appearance or behavior of the bird. In addition to saarika, the names for the common myna include kalahapriya, which means "one who is fond of arguments" referring to the quarrelsome nature of this bird; chitranetra, meaning "picturesque eyes"; peetanetra (one with yellow eyes) and peetapaad (one with yellow legs).
The myth about the common myna is that if you see one common myna when you are on your way somewhere is believed to bring bad luck, if you see the couple in your garden or veranda, would bring good luck. People wait for the other one to turn up to turn their fortunes from bad to good. And if you have a flock feeding in your garden or rooftop, you have all the blessings from God and your home will always have food in abundance for others and yourselves.
-- Ashutosh Jhureley
Common Myna (देसी मैना, गुलगुल) - Acridotheres tristis |
Common Myna (देसी मैना, गुलगुल) - Acridotheres tristis |
Common Myna (मैना) - Acridotheres tristis
Taken on April 14, 2017
Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India (Latitude: 23.172826, Longitude: 79.881881)
Common Myna (देसी मैना, गुलगुल) - Acridotheres tristis |
Common Myna (देसी मैना, गुलगुल) - Acridotheres tristis |
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