Birds Around Me 0100 - Pheasant-tailed Jacana (पिहो, जलमंजोर,जलमयूर, जलअप्सरा) - Hydrophasianus chirurgus
Pheasant-tailed Jacana (पिहो, जलमंजोर,जलमयूर, जलअप्सरा) - Hydrophasianus chirurgus October 2023 Padariya, Jabalpur, MP, India Pheasant-tailed Jacana (पिहो, जलमंजोर, जलमयूर, जलअप्सरा) - Hydrophasianus chirurgus (31 cm without tail-streamers), is unmistakable and identifiable by contrasting colours, their huge feet, and claws which enable them to walk on floating vegetation in the shallow lake. Only jacana known to have a different breeding plumage. Identification: Unmistakable; Breeding adults are mainly black other than white wings, head, and foreneck. The hind neck is golden and striking white eyestripe. Bird Facts: Called peacock of waters - जलमयूर; in some folk-tails referred to as angel of water that brings rain. Where: Jheels, marshes, and ponds with floating vegetation. Birds Around Me - Unfinished List ( अपूर्ण सूची ) Pheasant-tailed Jacana (पिहो, जलमंजोर,जलमयूर, जलअप्सरा) - Hydrophasianus chirurgus October 2023 Padariya, Jabalpur, M...