Bird Stories - Small Birds Paradise across the road - Shahi Talab (शाही तालाब) Jabalpur
Shahi Talab, Sanjeevini Nagar, Jabalpur 16 Jan 2018 |
Shahi Talab (शाही तालाब), Sanjeevini Nagar, Jabalpur |
3. The black kite (Milvus migrans) काली चील, have learned and adapted to live with humans... can be seen in large numbers in urban areas, outskirts, garbage dumps. I counted 28 on a tree in #Jabalpur
Black kite (Milvus migrans) काली चील Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India April 2022 |
Taken on June 26, 2018 Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India (Latitude: 23.172826, Longitude: 79.881881) |
Taken on June 26, 2018 Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India (Latitude: 23.172826, Longitude: 79.881881) |
6. Painted Stork (कठसारंग) - Mycteria leucocephala
June 2018 Sanjeevini Nagar, Jabalpur, M.P., India |
8. White-throated Kingfisher (किलकिला, श्वेतकण्ठ कौड़िल्ला) / Halcyon Smyrnensis
Taken on November 10, 2017 Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India |
Taken on June 26, 2018 Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India |
10. Purple Sunbirds (छोटा शक्कर खोरा) - Cinnyris asiaticus were around me all the time in Jabalpur, garden, around the lake, on bushes, sucking flowers.. just❤️them
Purple Sunbirds (छोटा शक्कर खोरा) - Cinnyris asiaticus - Male Shahi Talab, Sanjeevini Nagar, Jabalpur |
Purple Sunbirds (छोटा शक्कर खोरा) - Cinnyris asiaticus - Female Taken on April 11, 2016 Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India |
Taken on January 15, 2018 Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India (Latitude: 23.172826, Longitude: 79.881881) |
12. Laughing dove (छोटा फाख्ता) / Spilopelia senegalensis
Taken on January 15, 2018 Location: Sanjivini Nagar, Jabalpur, India (Latitude: 23.172826, Longitude: 79.881881) |
Spotted Owlet खुसटिया, चुगड़, चिट्टेदार चुगड़ (Athene brama) Shahi Talab, Sanjeevini Nagar, Jabalpur |
17. One brings bad luck, the couple will change bad fortunes to good & a flock of Common Myna (देसी मैना, गुलगुल) - Acridotheres tristis ensures the abundance of food for others and your self. Another bird of myths, love & hate.
Common Myna (देसी मैना, गुलगुल)- Acridotheres tristis Shahi Talab, Sanjeevini Nagar, Jabalpur |
18. Black-hooded oriole (Oriolus xanthornus) टोपीदार पीलक, हल्दी पाखी, बनिया बहु another gorgeous bird of interesting myths & tales
Black-hooded oriole (Oriolus xanthornus) टोपीदार पीलक, हल्दी पाखी, बनिया बहु Shahi Talab, Sanjeevini Nagar, Jabalpur |
19. One of the #birding highlights of Apr 22 trip to #Jabalpur was an elaborate display to claim territory & woo females by Indian Robin (कलचुरी) - Copsychus fulicatus. Male puffs, huffs, stretches, sings... in a majestic sequence
Indian Robin (कलचुरी) - Copsychus fulicatus Shahi Talab, Sanjeevini Nagar, Jabalpur April 2022 |
20. Oriental Magpie-Robin (दहियर, काली सुई चिड़िया) - Copsychus saularis is a popular songbird, still being illegally traded for singing abilities
Oriental Magpie-Robin (दहियर, काली सुई चिड़िया) - Copsychus saularis Shahi Talab, Sanjeevini Nagar, Jabalpur April 2022 |
21. Indian paradise flycatcher दूधराज, सुल्ताना बुलबुल (Terpsiphone paradisi) state bird of MP, India. Seen it many times, but failed to get the right shot. This time managed to get a decent record shot
Indian paradise flycatcher दूधराज, सुल्ताना बुलबुल (Terpsiphone paradisi) Shahi Talab, Sanjeevini Nagar, Jabalpur April 2022 |
22. Saw rust on barbed wire, thought an Indian robin or Red-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) will make a nice frame & boom it was there
Red-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) Shahi Talab, Sanjeevini Nagar, Jabalpur April 2022 |
22. You can hear Brown-headed barbet (Psilopogon zeylanicus) बड़ा बसन्ता but won't be able to see... camouflages perfectly
Brown-headed barbet (Psilopogon zeylanicus) बड़ा बसन्ता Shahi Talab, Sanjeevini Nagar, Jabalpur April 2022 |
23. Rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri) तोता, मिट्ठू, a common bird, have seen in 100s when we had trees, not concrete. literally 100s. Still, a pleasure, especially when they display affection
Rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri) तोता, मिट्ठू Shahi Talab, Sanjeevini Nagar, Jabalpur April 2022 |
24. #NationalBird of India - Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus) मोर, मयूर
Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus) मोर, मयूर |
Indian Silverbill फिकी मुनिया, चरचरा, पिदुरी, पवई मुनिया, मल मुनिया (Euodice malabarica) |
26. The Indian Pond Heron बगुला, अँधा बगुला, चमा बगुला, खूंच बगुला, अंध बक, भूरा बगुला (Ardeola grayii) is a small heron. They are very common but can be easily missed when they stalk prey at the edge of small water-bodies or drains or even water tanks in front of your house.
Indian Pond Heron बगुला, अँधा बगुला, चमा बगुला, खूंच बगुला, अंध बक, भूरा बगुला (Ardeola grayii) |
27. Green Bee-eater हरियल पतरिंगा, पतुरी (Merops orientalis), like other bee-eaters, is a richly coloured, slender bird. It is about 9 inches (16–18 cm) long with about 2 inches made up of the elongated central tail-feathers. The sexes are not visually distinguishable.
Green Bee-eater हरियल पतरिंगा, पतुरी (Merops orientalis) |
28. Ashy-crowned sparrow-lark दियोरा, दूरि, स्लेटी-सिर देओली, जोथौली (Eremopterix griseus) is a small bird with a finch-like bill.
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